Member-only story
Do You Feel Like You’re Failing at Medium?
Well, here’s why you need to turn that frown upside down and stop worrying so much, it’s time to have some fun.
There’s no denying that Medium is a tough nut to crack and the reason for that is…well…it just is.
You can spend hours, days, even weeks putting in the work, writing every day, highlighting, commenting and clapping other people’s articles, growing your network of readers and come the end of the month receive pittance for your ‘troubles’.
Of course, the rewards are not the only reason we write or frequent this mysterious platform, but it’s still nice to pick up a lil something something at the end of the month for your efforts.
But no matter how optimistic or eager you are to succeed, striving hard every day to see only minimal results will eventually take its toll on you and there will likely come a time when you begin to think to yourself, “What’s the point?”
And it’ll probably happen more than once. You’ll experience self-doubt, start to question your abilities and you may even contemplate giving up on the whole platform completely, shifting your attention to find a new way to achieve your goals.