Don’t overthink things too much, publications like Publishious & The Ascent are intrested in pieces documenting your life experiences — a challenge you were faced with, how you felt before, how you overcame and what you learned as a result.
It’s worth a try.
Even if you send a piece that doesn’t get accepted at least you have a bench mark to work from whilst moving forward.
Yea Grammarly doesn’t catch all mistakes, what I like to do is once I’ve written my piece, edited it etc. and run through it for mistakes with Grammarly, I copy and paste the article into Microsoft Word and do a final grammar/speeling check, it usually picks up some of the things missed by Grammarly.
I’m glad you enjoy my work and it helps you out, it means a lot to me to hear that, I appeciate your kind words and support 😊😊