F*ck It! Just Write!

And stop wasting time on the finer details.

Ryan J
2 min readJun 19, 2024
Photo by George Pagan III on Unsplash

Perfect headlines.
Perfect images.
Perfect keywords.
Perfect wordplay.

Fuck all that and just write!

This is the advice I need to hear for myself and I’m sure I’m not the only one.

All too often I find myself wasting so much time on the finer details of a project.

Trying to get things just right. ‘Perfect’. Before I move on to the next stage.

And for what?

For the piece to achieve the same reach as all the others — if not less?

For the piece to attract the same amount of attention, likes, claps, highlights, comments and shares as the many articles I’ve written before?

For the piece to build up your hopes. Have you feeling like this one is gonna hit differently, gonna take off or go viral perhaps because you’ve put in the work and got everything ‘just right’ only for your expectations to be met with an underwhelming performance as per usual?

Yeah, perhaps chasing ‘perfection’ isn’t all it crept up to be.

Perhaps it’s time we stop looking to be great and instead start aiming for the ‘good enough’ range as…



Ryan J

Northern Irish writer in Sydney | Exploring mindset & motivation |💡✍️ Passionate about unleashing potential & staying inspired in life's journey.