Member-only story
Free Yourself by Having Zero Expectations
For the only person who can truly make a difference in your life is you.
There is something very liberating about having little to no expectations and just accepting the outcome of life as it is.
Acquiring this trait is particularly useful especially when it comes to chasing your goals.
As many of you will know, working to achieve your dreams is far from easy. You could spend years turning up every day and putting in the work only for your efforts to fall on seemingly deaf ears.
No rewards, no thank you or well done or pats on the back, nothing. It can be a long and lonely road full of disappointment after defeat after let down. Enough to crush the spirit and optimism of even the strongest amongst us.
Is it any wonder that only a select few people ever manage to achieve their dreams?
You’ve likely experienced such heartaches in all areas of your life.
When it comes time for a pay review at work perhaps and you’re expectant that the hard work you’ve been putting in all year will result in a handsome reward, only to be majorly disappointed.
Maybe you’ve helped out a…