Member-only story
Has Your Enthusiasm for Writing Wavered Lately?
Creating a consistent stream of content can be challenging.
In order to keep posting to your profile/site/wherever you like to share your work, you must be constantly on the lookout for new ideas.
And, let’s be honest, it can all get a bit much from time to time.
You may even question why you’re doing it in the first place.
But even though there are times of stress and frustration — in abundance— you keep pushing on.
You don’t always have to love what you create.
This is a phase that I’ve been experiencing over the past few weeks —ever since taking a three-week-long vacation, I guess I enjoyed holiday mode a little too much.
It’s not that there is a shortage of ideas — my drafts list has over 200 of them sitting there waiting to be explored— it’s more that when I start to expand on them it feels more like a burden than a pleasure.
The beginning is fine, I have no issue getting up and running, but a few paragraphs in and that’s when my mind begins to wander — in fact, it started on the last paragraph of this piece.