Member-only story
Sat in the office lunchroom, which also doubles as the meeting room when needed, I stared out of the water-stained window at the car park below, lost in a daydream that I did not wish to return from.
For this fantasy land that I had arrived at, during the lunch break, was one that I had visited before.
In fact, it’s a place that I frequent multiple times per week.
It would happen usually on my lunch break but there are the times when I allow myself to mosey on over there during a long shower or as I let Netflix hypnotise me with one of their ‘original’ shows. And on occasion, whilst stuck in the Auckland traffic, I allow myself a brief, but pleasurable, trip to that fairyland in my mind.
“Who? What? Where is this land of illusion that you speak off?” I hear you ask.
Why it’s the visualisation of how I see my life once I have achieved a level where I can write for a living, of course.
Dreams Are for Free. But the Bills Still Have to Be Paid.
I would hazard a guess and say that most writers on here, and that operate on other such platforms, have dreams of writing for a living.