I Find It Extremely Difficult to Stay Consistent With My Goals

Ryan J
3 min readApr 10, 2024
Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash

Maybe it’s just me, but for whatever reason I find it extremely difficult to stay consistent with my goals.

I don’t know what it is but it seems my goals and interests change more than other people’s. I’m talking month-to-month here.

One month I’ll be dead set on doubling down on my writing. I’ll spend that month grafting every day; writing, brainstorming, and interacting with other writers. Doing what I can to grow my skills, presence and experience in the world of writing.

The next month, I’ve got something completely different on my mind. A new idea or venture I want to pursue and the momentum I got going from last month's goals are put on hold.

Can you relate?

I’ve been like this for as far back as I can remember. In all areas of my life.

Take exercise and fitness for example. For months I’ll be into weight lifting; getting stronger, leaner and bigger being at the forefront of my thinking.

Then, seemingly out of nowhere, I’ll lose interest in all of that and switch my focus completely towards Muay Thai, boxing or some other martial arts and not give weight lifting another thought for months.



Ryan J

Northern Irish writer in Sydney | Exploring mindset & motivation |💡✍️ Passionate about unleashing potential & staying inspired in life's journey.